Saturday, January 14, 2017

Stream of Consciousness Narration

The Thief and The Dogs was written by Naguib Mahfouz and is a novel which portrays his attitude towards the Egyptian revolution. The novel was published 9 years after the Egyptian revolution in 1961. The Egyptian revolution was the attempt to free the Egyptians from British control, which succeeded. By writing this novel, Mahfouz conveys his thoughts and feeling towards the revolution to the readers. In the novel, the main character, Said Mahran, is portrayed as a thief who just got out of jail after 4 years, and returns to the normal world in which he realises that his wife betrayed him and is not together with a former underling of Said. Additionally, the character Rauf Ilwan has completely changed and has now turned into a rich person, someone who Said and Rauf would have stolen from before the revolution when Rauf and Said were friends. In the novel, Said represents the people who do not agree with the changes that resulted from the revolution, and Rauf represents the people who took advantage of the revolution and have therefore completely changed. In order to exaggerate and further convey this to the reader, Mahfouz utilises the technique of stream of consciousness. 

The literary style stream of consciousness is used by writers in order to reveal the thoughts and feelings of a character to the reader in a continuous flow which is uninterrupted by things such as dialogue. In the novel, a stream of consciousness is used multiple times in order to reveal the thoughts and feelings of Said Mahran to the reader. Due to the use of a stream of consciousness, the reader is able to see the thoughts of a character and their thought process, which without a stream of consciousness would not be possible. Additionally, a stream of consciousness is often utilised by authors as a way of regulating the distance between the reader and the character. 

Mahfouz uses the shift of narration in order to create complexity in the character of Said Mahran and in order to regulate the distance between the characters in the noel and the reader. The distance between the characters and the reader is intentionally regulated by the author in order to convey the intended messages and feelings of the novel, and therefore of the Egyptian revolution, to the reader. A instance of this occurs in chapter 1, “when those who had betrayed him would despair unto death, when treachery would pay for what it had done. Nabawiyya, Ilish. Your two names merge in my mind.” This quote shows the shift from a third person narrative to a direct narrative. In this example, the shift in narration causes a shift in the information which the reader receives. In the third person perspective, more information is censored, where as when it shifts to a direct narrative, the reader gains insights into the mind of the protagonist which reveals his thoughts and feelings.

By using a stream of consciousness, there are several advantages and disadvantages. An advantage of Mahfouz utilising this literary style is that is enables him to regulate the distance between the reader and the character. Additionally, it also creates complexity in the characters of the novel. However, by utilising a stream of consciousness it also creates disadvantages such as creating confusion in the reader. This is especially the case when reading the novel as a pdf version as in the pdf version the instances of stream of consciousness are not italicised.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Literature in Translation

In the globalised world in which we live in today, translations play a major role. Whether it be to translate instructions on how to operate a device, or to translate literature from one language to another. Translations allow the language barrier between two cultures to diminish, however not fully, as each culture will always retain their unique aspects due to their traditions and customs which can not be translated through literature from one language to another. 

Different languages have different ways to express themselves, both in a verbal and written format. In some cases, a word in one language may not exist in another language. An example of this is between the German and English language. In German, one can say that someone has “schadenfreude”, meaning that someone derives pleasure from someone else’s misfortune. In English, there is no word with the equivalent meaning. Thus, when in German literature, or in literature of any other language for that matter, a word is used which has no direct translation, meaning is lost as the sentence structure and pace of the sentence cannot be replicated. 

In the reading that was assigned to my group, the importance of keeping the same style and pace of a sentence was stressed. When translating literature, one should look at every single word or the original version and identify its purpose in the sentence. This is because each word contributes to the style and pace of the sentence. Additionally, when translating literature, it is also important to take into account the cultural value of the original version. This is especially important when translating literature which is meant to teach about the culture and tradition of the original version’s language. As stated earlier, translated literature allows the language barrier between two cultures to be broken down, however a barrier will remain as the way language is used in one culture differs from another culture. This can also be seen by the numerous proverbs which were used in Things Fall Apart, as the Igbo culture uses unique proverbs with deep meanings rooted in their culture and traditions. 

Literature in translation effectively minimises the language barrier between two cultures and languages, giving more people insight into a culture. This has caused the world to globalise faster as more and more people gain access to information about other cultures, their values, and traditions. Through translated literature, an insight into a foreign culture can be obtained, however it will not be fully accurate due to the unique values, traditions and customs which each culture and language have.  

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Propaganda - It is okay for the government to mislead in order to promote security

Depending on the type of security, it is either okay or not okay for government to mislead in order to promote security. For example, if the security refers solely to the economic security, I believe that Governments have the right and should mislead the public in order to promote security. This is especially true in International Economics, in which a change of confidence in a currency can have drastic effects on its value and therefore the whole economy of the country. Due to this, I believe that Governments should mislead in order to promote economic security. However, when it is a case of a national security threat due to the alleged weapons of mass destruction which Iraq possess according to the United States, then I believe that the Government should not mislead in order to promote security. 

The Iraq war in 2003 is an example of the Government trying to withhold information and mislead the public in order to promote security. This is seen especially by an Interview between a American analyst and a Al Jazeera reporter, which led to a one sided perspective being told by the American analyst of the Iraq war. Unlike the American Government which tries to mislead the public in order to promote security, Al Jazeera aims to bring a non bias view to the public, regularly having Analysts with different viewpoints of the Iraq war on their News Program. Instances of the different viewpoints and biases between Al Jazeera and the American Government can also be seen when Al Jazeera broadcasted a video of dead american soldiers on their News Program, which had a great effect on the American people as they were not handed such images by the American Government as they tried to censor such images in order to promote security. In order to prevent such videos being broadcasted by Al Jazeera in the future, the American Government sent a notice letter to them, asking them to not broadcast such images again. Even after the war had finished and the government of Saddam Hussein had been defeated, many people in America retained their biased and one sided view of the Iraqis and Arabs, often associating these people with the Iraq war. 

Even though I believe that in some cases the Government should mislead in order to promote security, such as for economic security, I do not believe that the Government should mislead in order to promote security like it was done by the American Government in the Iraq war due to the one sided biased perspective which they fed the American people, leaving many of the public with radical viewpoints on political and social issues involving Arabs in the future. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Media Bias Rewrite

Rewritten Pro-Trump Article based on the Pro-Hillary Article by The Huffington Post:

There’s A Case Against Hillary Clinton. But There’s Also A Case For Donald Trump.

Trump has done various good things for the country so far, and plans to do even greater things once he is elected as president. Throughout his life he has done great things, starting off as a small business man, he soon made a name for himself, developing the multi billion worth company The Trump Organisation. Having acquired a net worth of 3.7 billion US dollars and having reached the top of the real estate business, he plans to spread his success to the whole of America by running for president.

His policies are designed to benefit America. To make America great again. This is contrasted by Hillary Clinton, who lacks honesty and the stamina necessary to be president of the greatest country in the world. Trump’s policies benefit the majority, and not just the top one percent, as in the case of Hillary Clinton. Business taxes are to be cut to 15 percent. Childcare costs will be significantly decreased. The education system will be improved. These are just a few of Trump’s policies in order to restore America to its former glory. The interests of Americans are of highest priority when looking at Trump’s policies.

A high emphasis is also placed on the general safety improvements throughout America, and at its borders, starting with a new immigration system as well as by building a wall around the America-Mexico border which ensures that no more criminals and drugs get through to American soil. Additionally, gang members and drug dealers will be taken off of the street in order to create a safer community. Through Trump’s full support of the second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, it will also help and empower legally owned gun holders to defend themselves. 

Through the multiple beneficial policies of Trump which keeps the American people benefiting the most at the roots of all his policies, he will for sure make a great president in the future, unlike his running mate Hillary Clinton who has severe flaws and could be characterised as a complicated figure incapable of running a country. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Coriolanus Practice IOC Outline

  • This passage is from act one scene one.
  • The play Coriolanus is a tragedy written by Shakespeare and is based on the life of a roman soldier called Coriolanus. 
  • In this passage, Coriolanus is introduced to the audience.

Overview and structure:
  • In the passage, coriolanus is characterised through this interactions with other characters in the play such as the plebeians.
  • The passage involves three characters: Caius Martius, First Citizen and Menenius Agrippa.
  • Most of the dialogue is by Caius Martius. 

Establishing purpose and significance:
  • The passage is mostly focused on the character Caius Martius as this is when he is first introduced to the story. The character impacts the plot heavily as the whole story revolves around his life. 
  • This passage is building up to events which will occur later on.
  • Establishes the relationship between Coriolanus and the plebeians which plays an important role later on in the play.

Sequential Body Analysis:
Chunk 1:
One sided opinion towards the plebeians by Coriolanus is given to the reader.
  • “you dissentious rogues” - thinks of the plebeians as lower than him
  • “rubbing the poor itch of your opinion” - plebeians opinion does not matter
  • first citizen uses sarcasm to reply “we have ever your good word”
  • “where he should find you lions, finds you hares” - Animal imagery is also used to further belittle the plebeians

Chunk 2:
A second opinion on plebeians is introduced by Menenius who does not share the same point of view as coriolanus towards the plebeians. In chunk two Coriolanus also responds to Menenius’ opinion, elaborating on his view point.
  • “corn at their own rates” - plebeians desire a more equal society in which there is not one, or a couple of people, who are in charge of the whole society.
  • “the city is well stored” - Menenius says that the plebeians know that the city is full of food and that the people should not be starving.
  • “presume to know / What’s done i’ the Capitol” - Coriolanus believes that the plebeians know what Coriolanus has done to the society and therefore believe that he should be hanged (“Hang ‘em! They say!”)
  • “Below their cobbled shoes” - Coriolanus is referencing the poorness of the plebeians, establishing the plebeians in a lower class than himself. This is especially seen at the end of this chunk when Coriolanus cals the plebeians “slaves”
  • “Would the nobility lay aside their ruth” - believes that the nobility is not harsh enough and too lenient on the plebeians

  • The main purpose of this passage is to introduce and characterise the character Coriolanus to the audience, as well as to show Coriolanus’ attitude towards plebeians. 
  • This passage also identifies certain political issues in the society which will play an important role later on in the play. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Practice IOC Outline - Family Furnishings

This passage is from the short story Family furnishings and is situated early in the story where the narrator was fond of Alfrida. The whole collection in which this short story is in share the element of love. 

In this passage we see the narrator exploring the complex family relationships, as well as a flashback being used in order to characterise Alfrida.

The story is told from the first person perspective. This allows the reader to gain insight on  thoughts and how she perceives other characters. This does withhold some information to the reader. Additionally the first person perspective allows readers to see the emotional connections between characters. 

The passage is mostly dialougue, with a flashback also being used. Imagery, symbols, and allusions are included throughout this passage which allows the reader to understand certain aspects better. Like the whole short story, this passage also mostly follows a chronological order, however like in the whole story, a time shift is present. 

Main Idea / Purpose:
The purpose of this passage is to tie the entire short story together. This passage is also significant as the complex family relationships of the narrator’s family are revealed, which develops the theme of family dynamics.

Sequential Body Analysis:
Chunk 1 (lines 2-9):
    • Theme of power is developed 
          • “some sense of triumph”
          • “moment of power”

Chunk 2 (lines 10-22):
    • Flashback - characterises Alfrida
    • Symbolism
          • “bells started to ring” (context is WW1) - symbolism for fear, reflects Alfrida’s fear due to her extra-marital pregnancy
          • “they were just children” - symbolising/alluding to innocence
    • Foreshadows relationship reveal 
Chunk 3 (lines 23-39):
    • She starts to piece everything together
          • “now I was aware of two things”
    • Overlooks truth
          • the protagonist never finds out the true relationship between her father and Alfrida
    • Metaphor
          • Cold fish
          • “dark face against the light” - mystery surrounding the character Alfrida. pieces things together about the relationship of her father and Alfrida, but ignores it and chooses to not see the light and stay in the dark. 

The main idea of this passage is to tie the whole story together by the narrator putting pieces together as seen in chunk 3, as well as to explore the complex relationships of the narrators family. 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Practice IOC

A practice IOC on a passage from The Moons of Jupiter: